Jewelry can be confusing, no matter if you have inherited the jewelry or received it as a gift. The number of resources available can make things confusing at first. This article is going to outline a few useful tidbits about jewelry to help you on your quest to be a more educated consumer.

Do not use harsh chemicals such as ammonia, bleach, turpentine or acetone to clean them. This can cause the stones to lose their luster in addition to eating away the enamel on any of the pieces.

Be cautious about your jewelry storage. Using boxes, hooks, holders, and compartments is very effective for ensuring the pieces stay separated. Jewelry should not be lumped together in a pile. This can hurt very fragile jewelry, and tangle necklaces or bracelets.

Sterling Silver

When shopping for genuine sterling silver jewelry, you need both a discerning eye and a small magnet. Imitations …